Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More about our boy!

Can you believe it? A sweet baby BOY! I am so excited!! The tech had a couple of very small concerns with the kidneys and heart, so we will recheck those in four weeks, but other than that everything looks great! ANOTHER BOY!! My Mom & the kids & I went immediately after to a local boutique and picked out a boyish 1st year calendar, baby book and she got me the prettiest diaper bag: http://petuniapicklebottom.com/product_detail.phtml?id=148 Also at the u/s, we recorded his precious heartbeat and on my birthday my Mom & I will go to Build A Bear and put the little sound button in his paw. How cute! Anyway, we are so excited!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Museum day

Here are just a couple of pictures from our museum trip: My kids in the animal art room

Clockwise from right: Caris, Taylor, Jordan, Courtney and Anna

Chicken Pox have left the building

Praise the Lord, the Chicken Pox are gone! You can still see just a couple marks on Malachi, a few on Graham, and tons on Caris, but they're healing nicely and no one has been contagious for quite some time. I'm very glad it's over and very sorry for anyone who goes through this - ever!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Happy Not Back to School Day!

Today's the first day of school for most kids in our city. It's a day I'm always so thankful for my kids and my husband and that our God directed us to homeschooling. :::teary moment:::

My friend Theresa e-mailed last week and invited us to the museum to celebrate not back to school day. LOL I invited Lynette, and we all went and met a couple of other people there. We had such a nice time! The kids had a ball playing in the children's museum, then we ate lunch outside, and then looked around the very old houses, offices etc. I wish I'd left after lunch, because it was hot after that and I got tired & grouchy and didn't listen to my limits. I guess it's good that we stayed though, because the kids really did like looking around the old houses and things.

I have to admit that this morning Graham was acting up and I started to get in a bad mood, and that old feeling from last year crept in, where I just wanted to stay home. But you know what? I am absolutely determined to be involved this year. I remember when we were super involved with a local group and I practically lived for Wednesday park days. Since we left that group I just haven't ever gotten back to being very involved and I don't think that is good for me or for the kids. So going today was not only fun but a great start to our new committment!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006

I love my family!

Today was a busy day. First I had my ob checkup. Everything looks great, and hooray, my u/s is in two weeks!! We're planning to find out the gender this time and I'm so excited I can hardly wait.

After that we had the first day of our new school year. The second I walked in the door Malachi said, "Can we start school now??" LOL! I made us a snack and away we went! We worked for an hour and a half and then it was lunchtime. I read to the kids until 1 and then we all napped (well, the boys had quiet time). After that we went off to the lab, where the phlebotomist took most of my blood. :-P

We got home and finished up our schoolwork, which took until 6:00. Weird day for sure. I made dinner after that and we ate - croissant sandwiches and grapes. Everyone loved it. After dinner we all cleaned until 8:30 and got the house mostly cleaned. Hooray. Put kids to bed and then crashed on the couch. Now it's Treasure Hunters time.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Woo hoo!

Ok, so I hardly ever actually say, "woo hoo!" in real life, but it feels great to write it because it's how I feel! The morning sickness has faded for the most part, and just in time, too. Now that I'm feeling better I can see what all suffered while I was sick. Like, we went grocery shopping for the first time last week (Alif had been handling that for me) and when I put away the groceries I noticed how the refrigerator was screaming to be all scrubbed out. What a difference that made!

Also, we are moving (just a couple streets away) in a few months and so I am going room to room, purging, tossing, goodwill-bagging etc. Moving has a way of making all of my accumulations so much less important to hang on to. Do I want to pack this and unpack it? Do I want to find a place for this in our new house? If the answer is no, away it goes. Some of it gives me a little sad tinge to get rid of, but if I know I'll never miss it, it's gone.

The boys did soccer camp last week and had a GREAT time. I didn't get to go since Caris was just getting over the chicken pox, but Alif went each night and it was a blast for them all. They learned a ton and it made them even more excited for the upcoming soccer season!