Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Fearless. It's not the first word I'd think of to describe myself. As a matter of fact, I'll just be blunt and tell you that fear is probably my biggest and longest-lasting struggle in life. I have always felt that I'm more fearful than almost everybody, but the more I open up to those around me, the more I realize that we're all afraid. It's universal. It wears different masks, but we're all afraid of something.

Still, when I saw the tag-line of Max Lucado's new book Fearless, I was intrigued.

Imagine Your Life Without Fear

Imagine indeed! I knew this was a book I needed to have as soon as possible. When it arrived in the mail I skimmed through the chapter titles, each of which address a specific fear . . .

of not mattering
of disappointing God
of running out
of not protecting my kids
of overwhelming challenges
of worst-case scenarios
of violence
of the coming winter
of life's final moments
of what's next
that God is not real
of global calamity
of God getting out of my box

Any of those resonate with you? More than a few do for me.

Did your high-school teachers ever get onto the book choices you used in your report papers? You know how they'd say that by the time a book is in print it's completely outdated? Well, I dare them to read Fearless, then. It's very current and completely applicable. It's full of Scripture, and as we know, Scripture is never outdated. Mr. Lucado addresses our worst, our most embarrassing, our least-discussed fears with candor and comfort.

Go read it. It's worth your time.


  1. Did you get this one before the Thomas Nelson book review folks ran out of print copies?

  2. Sounds great, Emily! I hope you had a beautiful birthday, btw! I was thinking of you and Megan, even though I didn't manage to say so on time!

  3. Can't wait to borrow it! I'm with you in the fear department, though I wish it would go out of business like Gottschalks!
