Saturday, September 29, 2007

Canaan, 34 weeks

I am teaching him not to roll over during diaper changes by saying, "No no." and holding his thigh so he can't roll over. Today I said, "Canaan, NO." and did not have my hand on his thigh but he just laid there and cried like he was soooo sad. LOL I guess he's learning! (Side note: just using "no" has not worked for subsequent diaper changes. LOL)

When he is on my & Alif's bed he makes a beeline for the blinds or the alarm clock. He loves when we pull up the blinds and he can look out the window at the trees, the neighbor's dogs etc. When he plays with the alarm clock he wants the music on, but then when he turns the volume knob and the sound goes too high and startles him, he ducks into my side and looks at the alarm clock like it is mean.

I am working on having him in the nursery at church. The last two sundays he's made it about 15 minutes. ;-)

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