Friday, December 10, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

If you'd like to participate or read more, head on over here!

  1. I wish I had the energy that Alif does.  And that I could speed up the weight-loss process.  ;-)
  2. Yesterday I went to WIC, took my car to the shop, went grocery shopping as a whole family - FUN! - and went to the gym.
  3. Today I woke up late after a late night last night, went to the gym, met with our resource teacher and made lunch.  Later we'll go to Target and decorate the Christmas tree, and catch up on our Jesse Tree devotionals.  (Is devotionals a word or should it be devotions?  Hmm.)
  4. Tomorrow i will watch Malachi play soccer and pray for my brother-in-law who is GRADUATING COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Maybe someday I will be an excellent housekeeper.
  6. Someday I will hopefully have tons of grandbabies and sons and daughters in law who love me.
  7. I love God, my awesome husband, my children and family and friends, internet connection, breastfeeding, going to the gym, being creative and laughing.  And food.  ;-) 

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