Monday, March 06, 2006

It's Monday!

Mondays always feel so refreshing to me. It's like a new start each Monday.

Last night Alif & I taught the 2/3 Sunday School class. It's our first time teaching and I was admittedly rather nervous, but it went just great! We had a good time, the kids had a good time, and we're looking forward to next week. We'll teach this class for 3 months.

I did not do any of my usual "deep-cleaning" on Saturday, so I'm doing that in between schoolwork today. So far the living room is done. LOL It's not 10:00 yet so I guess there's no room for panic, but I really would like to have the house clean today.

Tonight I have a meeting at church for CrossRoads' first VBS! How exciting! I have such fond memories of VBS as a kid, and I look forward to building those same memories for my own kids.

Yesterday I realized that next summer ('07) Malachi will go to his first summer camp! How weird is THAT? He is going to love it so much! It will probably feel like 5 of the longest days of my life without him here.


  1. I'm SO happy to hear that your class went well!! I knew you could do it!!!

    VBS? Oh my...even I have great memories of that! LOL Are you guys going to do a 'theme'? My fav was the circus theme when I was little. Ahh...memories! I'm so excited for you!

  2. yeah, vbs has such great, free time while the kids were there! lolololol
    my kids loved vbs, and though working with kids is not my favorite thing on this planet, it was rewarding!
