Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Escapee

At first I thought it was a fluke. There was a big cardboard car next to the crib, so I thought it emboldened him and that it wouldn't happen again. Even after 2 or 3 times of him joining me after his nap, just coming on downstairs . . . I still thought it wasn't really happening. Maybe. Then I thought I'd put him in and TELL him to get out. Here's what I saw:

He's my first crib-climber-outer. I guess it's time to move him into a twin bed. WAH! My baby's growing up!!


  1. that is hilarious! I'm so scared for the day when that happens in our house.

  2. He's so not allowed to do this...he looks SO BIG!! I love his little smile and clap at the end too, he's so proud of himself!

  3. It's a sad day indeed when you realise you can't keep them contained anymore.

    One day I had a little face present itself before my groggy half asleep eyes saying "Lion a monkey-boy mummy".

    With the way Canaan grips with those toes it looks like you've got your own monkey-boy.

  4. What a big boy you have! :( He's so darn cute with how proud he is.

  5. oh my gosh that is hilarious!!! our babies are getting so big!!!

  6. Oh my goodness. He's starting to look like your other boys there!! He's getting so big.

  7. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "I'm a big boy now, mommy!" It's so hard to let them grow up, isn't it??!!

  8. Anonymous11:32 AM

    LOL..leave it to the 4th child to do something new an different..I know mine is like that!

  9. Anonymous11:39 AM

    He looks sooo cute and proud!

  10. Anonymous11:39 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. how funny! Well, yes, the crib days look like they've definitely come to an end. :)

  12. I'll say that's awesome! And absolutely to cute for words.

  13. Funny thing. My dear sweet Savannah learned to climb out of her crib when she was SEVEN MONTHS OLD. As soon as she learned to pull up on things, we lowered the mattress, took out the bumper pads...and somehow, she STILL figured out how to get out! A crib tent worked wonders & solved the problem. If you want to hold off on moving him to a 'big boy bed' for a while longer, check them out! :)

  14. LOL. What a clever and strong kid!! Yep, I said kid, but I know he's still your baby. :)

  15. Hi Emily,

    Thanks for your comment on my blog this evening. I use Blogger to host my photography site for now; I did my template with my own images in Photoshop Elements and customization in the template code. I host my domain name at Dotster. So I'm just bits and pieces everywhere right now, but that's where it is! Hope that helps! Thanks for asking!

  16. He is too cute! I love it! Gianna is my climber too, she scales over any & everything.

  17. Oh my gosh...that is too cute Emily! I can't believe he is already climbing out!

  18. haha!! what a little stinker!

    none of my kids ever climbed out of their cribs... i think i'd have a heart attack if they surprised me like that!!
