Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I guess it's ok

My daughter is five. Five may sound teensy if your kids are all grown up but five to me, when my oldest is ten, sounds very, very grown up. My baby girl is no longer a baby but a darling little girl. She is sweet and lately, sometimes sassy. She is surrounded by boys but loves being a girl. She does pink and lipstick and nail polish and dollies but she can hit a mean baseball too, and when she yells? Watch out, mister. She loves the Lord and can't imagine that anyone else doesn't. She lives in near-constant misery due to her severe eczema and rarely complains. She is denied treats that others are having because they might have nuts, and she accepts that stoically. She tells me that she loves me several times a day - some variation of, "Mommy? I love you one hundred bazillion thousand hundred. I love you so much." She loves for me to tell her "puffy-puff" stories, based on this fictional character who is a miniature creature with a big puff of hair as its head. She has beautiful hair. She talks nonstop. Happy Birthday to my always-my-baby girl.


  1. SWEET! Five is a BIG deal! :)

  2. happy birthday caris!! she sounds like such a sweet, lovely girl : )

  3. what a sweetie. my little Finn is turning 5 tomorrow! eeks!

  4. Anonymous4:57 PM

    her party was so much fun! and when Amanda came in 3rd you in last on that race that was really funny!

  5. Awwwww, this is so sweet Emily. My eyes welled up about the "I love you" thing- I can just hear her. I can see why she loves you so much though!

  6. I forgot to say, I love how David (?) is totally checking out all the pink stuff there it looks like she's unwrapping. What a good cuz.

  7. What a sweet mama to such a sweet girl! :)

  8. Happy Birthday! My youngest is 2-1/2, and her personality sounds a lot like Caris'. She just gave up her passy and diapers, and I'm already feeling this way about her growing up.

