Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not Back to School Day Tradition

When I was growing up, I loved back to school stuff. Note that I did not say that I loved back to school. I loved the fresh pencils and crayons, the new glue, the new outfits and lunch boxes and backpacks. I still love all of this! Each summer, Alif & I stock up at all the awesome sales - lots of new colored pencils, markers, notebooks etc.

One of my message boards was asking about school shopping since our kids are going to be Kindergarteners this fall. It got me to thinking - what special thing could I do for my kids to signify a new school year? As of now I usually just put all the fresh new supplies into our communal art area for everyone to use.

But! I have come up with a new idea!

On the first day of public school each year, my kids and I join up with a few other families and celebrate Not Back to School Day with a visit to the local museum. This year I'm going to add something special. On the second day of the official school year, my kids will wake up to wrapped gifts. Each child will receive a pencil box with personal supplies that will be used only for schoolwork. Pencils, pens, colored pencils, glue sticks - all the things we regularly use for our seat work.

Think they'll find this as exciting as I do? What new-school-year traditions do you have?


  1. Ohhhh, really good idea! I think they'll LOVE IT. I say you do first day of school pictures out in front of the house like we always did. = )

  2. We always got a bunch of new clothes and then spent the night before picking out the perfect outfit for the first day. It was always exciting to be able to finally wear the new shoes or whatever.

  3. how fun! i think they will love it! a friend of mine always got the kids dressed and took her girls picutres outside and then they took a walk around the block and back to "school"

  4. I was homeschooled, and we always got new school supplies exactly like you said for school starting. It was so much fun. I bet your kids will just adore it-- and the idea of making the actual presents is perfect!

  5. you could always come down here and join in the not back to school disney day

  6. Emily, are you homeschooling or "regular" schooling? I can't remember.

  7. Nice..my kids all have their own "School boxes" too!

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I homeschool and I go to disney for my "not back to school day" :D
